7th February 2025 | v.
- The message displayed when the system requires Previous Year Opening Entries Update is now clearer.
- Removed the word 'Cheque' from the Receipt Printout Layout.
- Improvements when loading transactions in Bank Receipt or Bank Payment.
21st January 2025 | v.
2nd October 2024 | v.
- Fixes in Parameter: {TransactionDueDate} when using email templates.
- Due Date can now be inserted in Job Adjustments.
- Company Maintenance has now an Add Button to create new companies.
16th September 2024 | v.
16th July 2024 | v.
- Improvements with eReports compatibility with Proforma Statements.
- Receipts Freetext Tab now works correctly and is Read Only.
- Improved Validations when doing Assets End of Year to prevent doing the routine twice.
- Improvements in Purchase Order Budget Checks permissions, a restricted user can commit a PO if the required Budget is available.
13th May 2024 | v.
- Fixed a rare issue in SEPA Remittances showing duplicate allocations.
- Jobs > Cash Purchase now also lists Banks.
- Improvements in Alignment in Receipts & Remittance reports.
- Improvements in Permission use for 'SALEREP'.
- Fixed a rare issue in Statements having a blank page.
30th April 2024 | v.
- Purchase Order fix on False Error when create new PO.
16th April 2024 | v.
- Improvements with Charge Bearer in APS SEPA.
- Improvements in Jobs Module when using Access Levels.
15th April 2024 | v.
- Improvements with Charge Bearer in APS SEPA.
5th January 2024 | v.
- Fix when reprinting Sales Jobs Draft.
- Fix when reprinting Purchase Order.
26th December 2023 | v.
- Jobs & Voyage Invoices are now compatible with SBS Mail Templates.
14th December 2023 | v.
- You can now create Purchase Orders with the same Extref.
- When converting a Purchase Order to an Invoice, you can now search by Extref.
30th November 2023 | v.
- Permissions SALEPAYDT/PURCPAYDT (when removed) blocks user from changing Date of Receipt/Payment respectively.
- Alignment improvements when exporting 'Nominal Analysis Per Account' report on Excel.
- Fixed Extref Ordering in Sales/Purchases Audit Trail.
- Improvements in Job Estimate Analysis Checking (over Budget) when linked to Purchase Order Module.
25th September 2023 | v.
6th September 2023 | v.
- Improvements in Standard Entries Permissions. A user can have the option to Post Standard Entries without posting into the Nominal.
11th August 2023 | v.
- Fix on Address Length when importing Entities via Excel.
31st July 2023 | v.
- Improvement with Batch Booking in HSBC SEPA.
6th July 2023 | v.
- Archive Voyage Contribution Report: You can now choose any date when using this report.
22th June 2023 | v.
- Fix when having Auto Export of Documents enabled.
20th June 2023 | v.
- Further Improvements on the VAT Recap statement when Excluding Archived Data to ignore start date and process all non-archived transactions up to the date requested.

15th June 2023 | v.
- Added an option in the VAT Recap statement to exclude/include Archived Data.

5th June 2023 | v.
- Further Fixes to SEPA File; Payment Info will not exceed 35 Characters.
21st April 2023 | v.
- Fixes to SEPA File; Payment Info will not exceed 35 Characters.
3rd April 2023 | v.
- SEPA Files have now fully unique Payment Info.
8th March 2023 | v.
- Default VAT Code will be auto-filled when posting a transaction in Jobs.
- New Setting in Company Maintenance > Print Options to have a default Document File Name Formula, when Exporting File

3rd February 2023 | v.
- Fixes for Central Bank SEPA files.
- Improvements in compatibility for customised templates.
- Fixes in SEPA Transaction List Report when sorting from Grid before issuing the report.
30th January 2023 | v.
- Fixed issue for Bulk Payments when having Sales Ledger is disabled.
20th January 2023 | v.
- Improvements in Fixed Assets > Period Depreciation (Monthly) Report
- Minor Visual Changes in Validity Screen
1st November 2022 | v.
- SFM has been re-branded with the latest Shireburn Logos.
- While posting in Nominal Standard Entries, the keyboard shortcut CTRL + P now works as intended.
- Improvements & fixes in Job Analysis Export (Summary) Report.
- Fix when Importing SEPA Transactions via Import Gateway, the Payee Column in the SEPA window, shows as intended.
- Webpage field has been increased to 150 Characters, this means that in SFS, the Freight email also supports 150 characters.
- Improvements and fixes in Document Manger when adding documents directly from the SFM Docs directory.
- When Auto Loading Transaction Entries in Jobs, any Credit Note transactions will now load with a Negative value. These need to be amended to positive before saving the invoice.
- SEPA Payments eReports module now supports a new variable; 'EntityIban'. This can be setup from eReports > Options > Templates:

1st August 2022 | v.
- Fixes when inserting Bank Charges in Payments.
29th July 2022 | v.
- SEPA Payments can now be imported using the Import Gateway.
- Fixes in Access Levels when having a single Bank Charges Account or Discounts Account.
- Icon updates for Remote Support in the Help Menu.
3rd June 2022 | v.
- Improvements when de-archiving transactions having FreeText.
- Better Error handing, when renaming files on Mail functionality.
- Improvements in BOV SEPA Header (removed CTGYPURP and added Customer ID for better uniqueness).
- Hire Purchase now supports Profit & Loss Accounts when using Direct Settings.
20th April 2022 | v.
- Improvements in permissions of Document Management.
- Added Column of Doc Info in the Posting Result window.
19th April 2022 | v.
- Added Document Management in Jobs, Voyage, Bank Reconciliation.
- You can now also add a Document in the Posting Result screen by clicking the Attachment Icon

- Purchase Remittance layout has been slightly updated and 'Cheque' has been replaced with 'Reference'.
- Salesperson can now be added in the Clients' Grid Layout.
- Fixed an issue with Credit (Negative) Budgeting when using Account Groups Reports.
- Double Click on a Job now works as expected and takes you to the Transactions tab.
- Saving a Job Transaction as 'Text Only' works as expected.
21st March 2022 | v.
- Improvements and Fixes on SFM Docs Permissions.
- SBS Mail HTML Formatting Improvements.
- Improved SBS Mail Attachment handling.
18th March 2022 | v.
- Client VAT Numbers now show over 12 digits in Sales Invoices.
- Cash Basis VAT Return now supports Reversal.
- Improved Password Encryption of SMTP Settings when using SBS Mail.
- Fixed False Alarm when Adding a new Currency.
- Easily Submit a Ticket or use Support Chatting system using Shortcut Buttons/Menus.
- Job Status field in the Job Form is now Read Only.
- Added Document Management System.
17th February 2022 | v.
- SEPA BOV File Name adjusted as per Bank Requirement.
7th January 2022 | v.
- Purchase Order > Mark as Complete Button now works as Expected.
- Improved Update Routine on AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) Environments.
10th December 2021 | v.
- Lombard is now supported for SEPA Functionality.
7th December 2021 | v.
- Fixes on HSBC SEPA File MsgID.
2nd December 2021 | v.
- Further Improvements to the SBS Mail Signature.
1st December 2021 | v.
- Fixes & Improvements with eReports integration.
26th November 2021 | v.
- Fixes on SEPA File MsgID.
25th November 2021 | v.
- Email improvements and fixes.
24th November 2021 | v.
- Improved functionality on certain reports in Purchase Order & Nominal.
22nd November 2021 | v.
- Improved uniqueness for BOV SEPA MsgID.
20th September 2021 | v.
Fix on Job Summary Report: the 'Paid' field now works as expected when having one payment allocated to multiple Jobs.
1st September 2021 | v.
Fix on Voyage Analysis: this is now filtered accordingly if Analysis is set to Sales or Purches.
17th August 2021 | v.
- Improved Outlook compatibility when SFM is set to MAPI. The Outlook setting is still the recommended option if Outlook is the default client.
9th August 2021 | v.
- Fix on default text when mailing Receipt using Outlook.
20th July 2021 | v.
Fix on Aging Report when sorting Clients by Balance.
- Included new VAT Country for Northern Ireland.
12th June 2021 | v.
- New option to use SFM SBS Mail utility without using any 3rd Party Mail Client. This option can be enabled in Company Maintenance > Additional Details > SBS Mail.
- PDF Exports can now be interacted with for signature purposes.
10th May 2021 | v.
- Improved Import Gateway when grouping Nominal Entries by Extrefs.
- Invoice Layouts now show "0%" when VAT used is Exempt.
15th April 2021 | v.
- SEPA Transactions can now be sorted depending on the sorting of the Grid before printing.
- Fixed the Account Code not showing on Intercompany Posting Result Entry.
3rd March 2021 | v.
An issue where adding a marker and a remark to a VAT code would cause printing issues with other VAT codes has been fixed.
We have now included the transaction details from the archive in the Transaction List and Transactions History reports.
We fixed an issue where SEPA files from APS Bank were rejected.
The reprinting of the Purchase Orders is now working as expected.
A delivery address field has been added to the Purchase Order maintenance form.
24th February 2021 | v.
- SFM will now mark Mail for all reports in the e-reports module when any one of the fields To, CC, or BCC are filled with an e-mail address.
3rd February 2021 | v.
- Issues preventing Central Bank of Malta SEPA files from being accepted have been fixed.
- An access level database error has been fixed.
- Overall performance and stability improvements have been made to the Proforma Statements page.
27th January 2021 | v.
Your company's address is now added to SEPA export files.
SFM will advise you to prepare for the re-configuration of the system before starting the end-of-year process. Shireburn provides the necessary services to reconfigure SFM for continuous use of the system.
Fixed an issue found in the end of year assets depreciation process where assets were depreciated but the nominal transaction posting was given an error.
21st January 2021 | v.
SFM updated to be compatible with recent changes to the HSBC SEPA file. HSBC SEPA files do not support underscores in the SEPA file fields.
An issue where clients/suppliers accounts could not be deleted after they were imported from the Gateway has been fixed.
We fixed an issue where reversing a write-off from Debtors or Creditors payments could create an issue with the transaction type not recognize correctly.
17th December 2020 | v.
- You
now have the option to close Purchases Orders as either Complete or Canceled.

will replace invalid file name characters with a dash (-) for SEPA files.
- Errors
when opening Proforma updated documents have been fixed.
- Issues
where document footers were overlapping company names, signatures, and bank
details in Proforma document reports have been fixed.
7th December 2020 | v.
- Optimizations have been made to the allocation view query.
- Client names can now be seen in the Proforma grid, helping you more easily find clients.
- For Proforma Sales reports, we have added an option to print one statement at a time base on selected client. We have also removed the filter from the statement report. To run all the Statements, you can go to Current Year > ProForma > Client List.
- The Help section now includes a link to the SFM video tutorial playlist on YouTube and a link to the new help centre.
10th November 2020 | v.
- You
can now de-archive sales and purchases transactions by using Ctrl + Shift + R
or by clicking the Restore Archived Transaction button in the sidebar.
- Transactions can be restored from the Archive to
Current and can be edited from Current. This includes the edit of the external
reference (ExtRef) field.

- Allocations
are blocked to a maximum of 1,000 tags.
- During
reversal operations, resilience and retries of database updates (due to network disconnections,
for example)
have been implemented in the following modules: Nominal Ledger, VAT Table, Sales
and Purchases, Jobs Nominal, Jobs Sales, and Jobs Purchases.
- A
“Field ‘LastRecpt’ not found” error found when printing or exporting Sales
Receipts has been fixed
9th October 2020 | v.
A dbf error produced when generating a re-print of an invoice has been fixed.
We fixed an issue where the system warned users that VAT returns were being made in the previous ear after a shortened financial year was closed.
7th October 2020 | v.
- Document timestamp now supported for Job Invoices and Voyage Invoices.
- Margin alignment corrections in the Sales Template form have been made.
- The word Proforma is showing in the printed Jobs sales drafts as expected.
1st October 2020 | v.2.011.133
- You can now print Receipts from Sales in SFM. Navigate to Sales > Client’s Reports > Receipts to print receipts.

Additionally, you can print a defined range of receipts (based on reference number).

A new remote access customer support option is available.
An issue where the page foot in the Job Invoice report was splitting across the next page has been fixed.
We have added a new notification in the Bank/Nominal reconciliation process that will notify you if your last reconciliation was successful or not. The system will block a new reconciliation process if the previous one was note archived correctly.
Last payment numbers are updated correctly as expected when printing payments.
We have removed errant error messages from appearing after you exit from the eReports screen.
SFM will attempt to redo reversals that failed to process due to a disruption to a database update.
Delivery addresses have been added to Purchase Order reports.

End-to-end reference validities added for APS SEPA files.
System code changes to address a problem with the INTCMPACC table.
Failure issues when cheque printing from the Nominal Ledger have been fixed.
Improved nominal reports security permissions.
An issue where loading a transaction up to a given date in Jobs - Sales Invoice was incorrectly including all transactions has been fixed. You should expect to have transactions to be loaded correctly.
Issues with the deletion of Standard Entry (Reversal) have been fixed.
4th August 2020 | v.2.011.132
- An issue where the balance and foreign balance were not visible after a user exported data from the Client or Supplier window has been fixed.
- We fixed a bug that was causing bank payment cheques printing double the data when the destination account was a bank as well.
- Performance enhancements for tagging standard entries with evaluate foreign flag enabled. There were instances where the screen would get locked during tagging.
- We have added VAT registration number in the client/supplier search dialog.

29th July 2020 | v.
- Statements now can support to show the total Overdue Amount under the Balance by ticking a new Show Overdue Amount tick box before printing.

2nd July 2020 | v.
- Central Bank SEPA files has been updated to support the bank’s latest format changes.
1st June 2020 | v.
- We have removed the requirement to use an access code in order reprint cheques marked as printed. You will now see a pop-up warning with the following message and question: 'The reference(s) have been already marked as printed. Are you sure you want to re-print cheque(s)?'
- The VAT Return process received improved performance responsiveness in both the form and progress bar.
- You now have the option to show amount overdue in your outstanding entry statements. In the Statements – Outstanding Entries print setup box, you have the option to select Show Overdue Amount in the printed statement.
- SFM has been updated accordingly to facilitate recent changes to the Central Bank’s SEPA file.
20th May 2020 | v.
- A minor bug fix was made in the Standard Entries form.
19th May 2020 | v.
- The Purchase Order module has received an improved delivery address printing; formatting in this module has been improved.
- We fixed an issue when reversing a transaction from the Cash Sale/Purchase audit trail.
- Redirecting your default printer to a remote desktop’s printer works as expected.
- An issue where cash audit trails would not refresh automatically has been fixed. The system will now automatically refresh the Cash Audit trail with all movements.
- Deleting a reversal from Standard Entries no longer requires an access code. A confirmation pop-up is now used to verify the decision to delete a reversal from Standard Entries.

23rd April 2020 | v.
- The performance of the company selection form has been improved and works quickly as expected. We fixed an issue where the form was slowed down by other processes in the system.
10th April 2020 | v.
- We have made enhancements to company and licensing management, including the ability to deactivate and activate companies through the Company Maintenance window in SFM. We have a help article that details how you can deactivate and activate companies on your SFM license.
- XML document tagging updated according the Central Bank of Malta’s SEPA requirements.
- Depreciation Report in Previous year was enhanced to include archived assets.
- Users can now have the options to filter All, Overdue Only, or Other No Overdue clients in their Statements – Outstanding Entries reports. The print setup options for this report includes a new Clients section where users can select how the report will filter outstanding entries.

26th February 2020 | v.
- Maintenance updates and upgrades to internal libraries.
- Improved protocol compatibility with eReports and client mailing systems.
29th January 2020 | v.
- Users can now process VAT returns dated from the previous year on their current year’s VAT table.
- A new set of permissions, SALEAUDIT/PURCAUDIT, has been added to allow a user to access Sales/Purchases Audit Trail. These can be assigned to users by going to Administration > Groups & Permissions.
- Users are now able to make nominal and bank reconciliations in their systems with the NRECONCL DELETE and NBANKREC DELETE permissions, respectively, assigned to the user. Permissions can be assigned to users by going to Administration > Groups & Permissions.
- Stabilization and performance enhancements have been made for the Sales or Purchases windows.
- The IBAN verification process in Sepa > Sepa Maintenance > Sepa tab >Transaction Details tab has been improved with performance and stability enhancements.
- You can now perform a Reversal of sale invoices in the Jobs module.
- The SFM Gateway now supports the import of Supplier SEPA fields.
- Stabilization improvements made so that amounts allocated in Sales/Purchases > Postings > Invoices will update in the RecAlloc (allocations history).
- The amount of characters usable for the e-mail field of a client’s account has expanded to 150.
- Table names have been removed from standard errors messages which inform users that a certain field must contain a value.
- Expenses for an invoiced Job can be loaded at a range of dates or up to a certain date.

9th January 2020 | v2.0.11.119
- The search functionality in SFM and the SFM Gateway has been improved with new labels and keyboard shortcuts. You can search via Exact Match (Ctrl + E), Begins with (Ctrl + B), Contains text (Ctrl + T), or Case sensitivity key (Ctrl + K).

- Updated SIMS interface.
- Improved SFM Gateway Auto Rollback.
- The allocation of payments in the Sales and Purchase Ledgers are now optimized for better performance of this function
- The validation of debit or credit flags when posting has been improved. The system will validate that you have entered the correct transaction type.
- Ctrl + A in the Audit Trail gets the required user response to open up the audit records as expected.
- The Job Sales - Receipt window has received interface improvements to help process receipts more quickly and easily.

18th December 2019 | v2.0.11.118
- Support for Malta Central Bank (CBM) SEPA File in Support > Bank Accounts Details. You can read more about bank accounts in this article.
- You can now dispose assets by bulk in the Fixed Assets window by using the space bar to 'tag' multiple assets and then clicking on the Dispose/Undispose button in the left sidebar (shortcut Ctrl + D).

10th December 2019 | v2.0.11.117
- We have improved the user experience of making postings in SFM when there is a network disconnection.
- Reversals are now omitted in deposit slip reports.
15th November 2019 | v2.0.11.114
- Now in the Job Costing Module Report, we have included an Analysis column in the Job Sales by Department report for enhanced cross referencing of data. This column has replaced Ledger in the report.
- Automatic Re-Index within SFM can now be done by using the Task Scheduler.
- New Suppliers can now have a default Credit Term from the Current Year > Utilities > Company Maintenance window.

25th October 2019 | v2.0.11.110
- The process of uploading BOV SEPA files is optimized.
- There is now support for auto rollback for misposted transactions along with improved validation during network disconnection. You will now be notified about failed postings, where you can then undo the post and try again; SFM will ask you to roll back invalid posted transaction.
14th October 2019 | v2.0.11.105
- An issue with posting transaction type field missing in the Import gateway > Nominal Posting page has been fixed.
- Stability enhancements have been made to the process of posting receipts (Sales > Postings > Receipts).
- The dates and times of report generation and creation are now printed on client-facing document reports.
11th October 2019 | v2.0.11.104
- We have fixed the thousand's place separator where there is now a comma instead of a full stop.
- After running a company restoration process (Administration > Restore), the company’s default currency will be restored in their new company profile.
9th October 2019 | v2.0.11.103
- The restore functionality (Administration > Restore) now also restores a company’s name in the new company profile.
- Custom cheque templates now support free text detail, allowing for personalized messages and notes to be written for recipients of the cheque.
2nd August 2019 | v2.0.11.102
- Sales now supports Extref Validation (References) field.
- The Jobs Contribution – By Client Report has received stability fixes. Balances in the reports are reported as expected.
- Auto Calculations Amount Receipt is improved and will calculate as expected.
22nd July 2019 | v2.0.11.101
- The Jobs window now supports Client’s name and the Jobs Sale Draft window now lists Job Description to help you better distinguish entries.
- The character limit for Jobs Invoices has been increased to allow you to provide and see more of your clients’ details on your invoices.
- Account group printouts from Account Groups > P&L Balance Sheet with Comparison now include Nominal Codes next to the account to help improve your reporting tasks.
- We have removed zeroes (0) from the Ageing Reports.
19th July 2019 | v2.0.11.100
- We have improved the Search functionality by allowing you to right-click on the Binoculars icon to open methods for refined searches.

1st July 2019 | v2.0.11.097
- Stability improvements made to the system. Dates are remembered when posting and updating a Payment as expected.
- Nominal Intref is now configurable from Company Maintenance.
- Rate on Payments improved and now deducts charges.
- We have made improvements in Jobs Reports. Contribution by Closed Jobs reports include columns for Job Number, Client, Description, Revenue, Cost, and Contribution.
- VAT Return Posting stability improvements.
- Improvements made in Deposit Slip (Bank Nominal Report).
28th October 2018 | v2.0.11.085
- Intref now available for Journal Entries.
- 'EU' has been added in VAT Registration Countries.
- You can now deallocate from Previous Year of Sales & Purchases.
- Job Department has been added to the Job Audit.
- Updated Job Transactions Report with enhanced Details.
- SEPA Support for Auto Allocation Payment.
- Bank Details now show in Request for Payments and Proforma Statements.
27th February 2018 | v2.0.11.070
- Validation of last posted transaction added.
- Validation added for transactions being reversed.
- Changes in Re-Evaluate Foreign Balances report layout and improved rounding and totals.
- Audit of Nominal Budgets (Admin > Audit Log Setup) is ready.

20th February 2018 | v2.0.11.068
- De-archiving of Sales/Purchases Transactions.
- Improvements in P&L with Balance Sheet report.
- Reverse and repost Nominal Ledger entries.
12th February 2018 | v2.0.11.064
- Travel system integration with SFM Link.
- Deallocation from Previous Year.
8th January 2018 | v2.0.11.061
- Gateway archive added transaction detail view.
29th November 2017 | v2.0.11.055
- Change of client/supplier code better integration with POS replicator.
- Jobs Audit Trail Dump added job description and department.
27th November 2017 | v2.0.11.054
- Improved Job invoice details loading (cross VAT).
20th October 2017 | v2.0.11.050
- Nominal P&L by Department added account description separator.

20th September 2017 | v2.0.11.048
- VAT Code by Selection Report improvements.
2nd August 2017 | v2.0.11.047
- Nominal Audit Trail added sort1, sort2 and department.
- Validation on HP contract date with SFM posting dates.
- Pop-up notification when user exceeds estimate of analysis value in Jobs.
- Jobs Invoicing added Details field.
13th July 2017 | v2.0.11.043
- Job Sheet report now shows Address 4 and Address 5.
- SEPA File improvements: includes company number and nominal account code in file name and message id.
4th July 2017 | v2.0.11.041
- Improved Bank reconciliation validity.
30th June 2017 | v2.0.11.040
- Audit for backup and restore functions.
- Improved Trial Balance report layout.
- Enabled Job Sheet report for archive.
- Improved Job Transactions report.
23rd June 2017 |
- Enhancements in Nominal Reconciliation: Reversal, Printing and Exports.
- Import Gateway when processing data from Stock system saves file in case of errors.
- Fixed default account description in posting forms.
20th June 2017 | v2.0.11.035
- New field in Client, Supplier 'Follow Up' date.
- Display messages before posting transactions for Clients and Suppliers. More info about this is here.
27th April 2017 | v2.0.11.031
- Jobs now supports Purchase Order.
- Fixed issue with document footer in Purchase Order.
- Increased number of characters in Name, Address, Email etc for Clients & Suppliers when importing via Excel.
- Increased number of characters in Name, Address, Email etc for Clients & Suppliers when importing via Import Gateway.
- SEPA runs can now be unfinalized.
- Default payment type optimisation.
- Export to Excel to support going over 65535 rows.
- Export to CSV performance optimisation.
- Improved handling of wrongly formated or out of range dates in Import Gateway.
- Added Job Type field in Job Maintenance.
- Enabled Sales barcode printing and advanced formulas.
20th April 2017 | v2.0.11.030
- Added 'Show Errors Only' in Import Gateway for Entities, Allocations and Voyages.
13th March 2017 | v2.0.11.027
- Added contract reference to Jobs search.
- Improved SEPA account validation.
17th February 2017 | v2.0.11.027
- Enabled Nominal Ledger reconciliation in foreign currency.
7th February 2017 | v2.0.11.025
- Client/Supplier Export Reports and tagging integration.
- HP added Permission to limit user on Post to SFM.
- Improved images Printing and Exporting.
19th January 2017 | v2.0.11.024
- Client/Supplier Ageing report Export to Excel improvement.
18th January 2017 | v2.0.11.023
- Nominal Analysis Report now includes VAT Amount.
- Details in payment form and bank reconciliation improved.
6th January 2017 | v2.0.11.019
- Client/Supplier Turnover Report added shading of rows.
- Jobs can be closed Partially.
11th November 2016 | v2.0.11.018
- Amend option in HP Audit trail to change ExtRef.
21st October 2016 | v2.0.11.017
- Manual password expiry: you can now force change password on next login.
- Better compatibility with Microsoft Excel exporting.
7th October 2016 | v2.0.11.007
- Assets to allow to change department.
- Purchase Date of new Assets can now be any given year.
25th October 2016 | v2.0.11.002
- Bulk Payments can now integrate with the SEPA Module.
- Nominal inter-company posting result form improved.
19th September 2016 | v2.0.11.001
- Update of Structures to v11, this will result in a much faster start-up time.
16th September 2016 | v2.0.10.193
- Gateway: improved UI and result statistics.
- Payments/Receipts in foreign currency are now supported in Standard Payments.
9th September 2016 | v2.0.10.191
- Asset change of code improvement.
20th August 2016 | v2.0.10.184
- Gateway import of Voyage Details.
5th July 2016 | v2.0.10.180
- New option in Company Maintenance to change Address Alignment.
- Overall enhancements and better alignments in multiple reports.
23rd June 2016 | v2.0.10.176
- Nominal Analysis report now works across financial years.
- Job audit grid export now available.
21st June 2016 | v2.0.10.175
- New button to show/hide closed Jobs/Voyages.
15th June 2016 | v2.0.10.174
- Bank details can be now added to statement reports.
- eReports new formula: Statements amount overdue.
- Improved SEPA archive for exported files.
3rd June 2016 | v2.0.10.172
- New option to switch off ExtRef validation for purchases.
27th April 2016 | v2.0.10.170
- Fixed bug on client/suppliers sorting by amount.
- Fixed assets now allows purchase date out of financial year.
10th March 2016 | v2.0.10.166
- Re-print receipts facility in HP Module.
- Added remarks field in client/supplier search.
25th February 2016 | v2.0.10.166
- Fixed SFM maximising when changing company.
- Better multi-monitor support.
- New Shireburn logos.
- Improved allocations audit view.
15th November 2015 | v2.0.10.160
- Better Company Maintenance organization.
- New option in Additional Details - Bulk Receipts/Payments.
14th September 2015 | v2.0.10.155
- VAT Summary Report added subtotals by nominal account.
- Nominal Transactions Report added option to include SFM vs Imported transaction.
- Payment Allocation Analysis Report improvements.
- Client Sales and Payment Report improved export to Excel.
- Bank Payments grid customization.
- Job invoice mailing - attachment file name.
- Fixed assets remarks.
- Client/Supplier maintenance add mail and web buttons.
31st July 2015 | v2.0.10.150
- On hold supplier's invoice during payment.
- Allocation view to display allocation date and user.
- Nominal Ledger Transactions Receipts from Debtors Report layout improvements.
15th July 2015 | v2.0.10.147
- Validate allocation of payments tool.
- Waiting form display improvements.
- Save dialog overwrite prompt fix.
- Improved web update.
- Added new Voyage Analysis type to identify income from expenditure.
17th June 2015 | v2.0.10.145
- Improved document report file name on export of all reports.
- Improved Gateway performance while importing transactions into SFM.
26th May 2015 | v2.0.10.141
- Sepa maintenance form.
- e-Reports multi database support.
22nd May 2015 | v2.0.10.139
- Bank reconciliation archive form and search by IntRef.
- Transaction allocation report reworked query and layout to improve performance.
18th May 2015 | v2.0.10.137
- Logo printing and PDF export improvement.
- Email MAPI support.
29th April 2015 | v2.0.10.135
- New validation for Non-Refundable VAT when posting to VAT Control Account.
- Option not to send statements for specific clients.
21st April 2015 | v2.0.10.132
- Bank reconciliation and Bank Statement report improvements.
13th April 2015 | v2.0.10.131
- Improved integration with e-Reports.
16th March 2015 | v2.0.10.129
- SFM and SIMS gateway validation for VAT Return to confirm that all transactions are posted into SFM.
- Nominal Period Movements report in previous year.
12th March 2015 | v2.0.10.128
- Sales Payments Analysis to show Credit Terms.
- Purchase Order Module.
- Enhancement to List and Items Views.
- Improved certification process.
10th March 2015 | v2.0.10.127
- Progress Bar and Information when doing maintenance on System Codes.
11th February 2015 | v2.0.10.125
- e-Reports integration of SEPA payments.
- Re-Evaluate Foreign Balance to show 6 decimal places.