This document explains how to add additional details to various reports that will be shown at the lower part of the invoices, statements, receipts and other selected documents generated by the Shireburn Financial Manager.
To configure this option, undertake the following steps:
1. Go to Current Year > Utilities > Company Maintenance, as shown below.
This will present the user with the Company Maintenance dialog box. Select the Print Options tab and you will be presented with the following screen:
1. Select the Report Name on which the text is required.
2. Click the Edit button or press Enter on your keyboard to go into edit mode.
3. Click the Document Text 1 or Document Text 2 and input the required text. The difference between those two fields is the font size, whereas Text 1 is size 10 and Text 2 is size 8.
4. After selecting the file, click on the Post button.
Below find a sample report: