Answer: SIMS includes a function to enable users to reverse a consignment updated into stock. The option is available from the Receipt & Costing Module as per the following figure.
Users will require having access to the Security Function on Reversal RC_REVERSE within their group rights to run this function. If you do not have access to this permission, please refer to the end of this FAQ for further details.
There are a number of validations that the system will process on the system to confirm if the reversal can be processed successfully.
The consignment is updated into stock.
The consignment is not reversed already.
Validate and cross check if the user needs to run a quantity validation on the system. The system will stop the process and you need to run Data Validation from the ADMIN Menu on SIMS
System checks if there are any location movements for any of the items within this consignment, if yes please refer to section
Dealing with Exceptions
The system will confirm if there are any transactions (Other Costing Sheets (RC), Local Purchases (RD), Adjustment Add (AA), Opening Entries (OE), Receipt of Finished Goods (RW) or Returns to Supplier (RS)) after the current consignment date being reversed. If any of the above validations fail, please refer to the section
Dealing with
If the above is all complete, the system will start the process to reverse the consignment and will perform the following processes:
Maintain a list of quantity in stock including the Stock Code, Location and quantity in stock as at now.
Posts the adjustments deduct (or add) to get the stock quantity to 0 (all locations) for all the items in the consignment.
Get last cost of items before the posting of the updated consignment.
Post the Adjustment Add with the Current Qty in stock less the quantities in the costing sheet. If the result balance is negative the system will post an adjustment deduct. This usually happens if sales were processed from the consignment. As stated previously in this document, first you need to reverse any location transfers entries processed from this consignment.
When complete, the user will have the option to copy and paste all the consignment details, change the invoice references and consignment references, and to re-process the consignment from the Copy & Paste button.
Location Transfers: If it is identified that users processed any location transfers on SIMS after the consignment is updated into stock, the system will display the message shown below. We strongly recommend that you click OK to view the movements processed on the system. Users will have the option to cancel the reversal process.
The system will provide the option to print the report of all the location movements effecting this consignment. We recommend to print/export to Excel document to enable you to reverse any locations transfers posted on to the system.
Transaction Posting: The system will not finish the whole reversal process if users posted any sales transactions, adjustments, purchases, etc, from any item in the consignment. If this is the case, the system will prepare an Excel spreadsheet with the required adjustment add and/or deduct with the required information including stock item code, location code, quantity and the last know average cost.
If the user confirms the above, the system will perform the following:
The RC_REVERSE permission
To get access to this permission, you need to go to ADMIN > User Accounts and highlight your user ID and check the Group Column to confirm your Group ID.
Impact on SFM Interface