Error: "Primary key column was not found in the excel sheet" when trying to re-import items from Excel

Error: "Primary key column was not found in the excel sheet" when trying to re-import items from Excel

Error: "Primary key column was not found in the excel sheet" when trying to re-import items from Excel when you are trying to re-import items that you have amended from Excel.

  1. SIMS
Follow the procedure below:
  1. Re-export the needed data (example will be showing Stock Items):

  1. It will open the Excel with the fields selected. If you close Excel as soon after the export has been done and you click on "Do Not Save" it will delete what we call the indexes. These are used by SIMS to determine where the amended fields need to be re-imported.
  2. Reopen the excel and click on the A1 in excel and do not see the index like STK_CODE or STK_DESC you need to regenerate the excel, do your work, and make sure to save before closing. This will keep the indexes
  3. Below is an example of an excel without indexes

  1. And here is an example with indexes. The below is the correct export.

  1. When you have amended your work you can re-import excel from