Creating and applying advanced filters in SIMS

How to Create an Advanced Filter in SIMS

The advanced filter is a tool to show select fields in any module.

Below is an example of an advanced filter in Support > Stock Cards to show items with a quantity higher than Zero.
  1. Go to Support > Stock Cards.

  2. Right-click on the blue box in the top left corner and choose 'Set Filter'.

  3. In the next box, head into the advanced section and choose the field you wish to have a filter on, in this case 'Quantity'.
  4. Double click on it or use the highlighted button to move the field chosen from the left to the right.

  5. To get items with a quantity greater than zero, write >0 at the end of the text in the right-hand box.
  6. Press 'Validate', and then press 'Add Filter'.

  7. The selected filter will appear in the 'Criteria' box.

  8. Press on the floppy disk icon to save, then give it a name and press 'OK'.

  9. Finally press on the green tick sign to apply the filter.

  10. In this way, the system will only show items that have the selected criteria.
Please note that if the Stock Cards window is closed the filter will be reset, but will be saved so that you can apply the same filter another time without having to go through the setup process again.

  1. To apply a saved filter, go to Support > Stock Cards.
  2. Left-click on the  blue box in the top left corner and the filter name will come up. Click it to apply the filter.

This advanced filter is available through all-out SIMS so it can be used in different modules.

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