SIMS provides for the printing of an aged report from the Reports Menu, Stock Items, Aged Stock List. The aged report is based on the Last Purchase Date field available on each stock card.
The options available are the following:
- Option to Group the report by one of the available fields
- Print the report in summary format
- Enter the base date of the report (based on last purchase date)
- Number of months required for analyses 12 = one year
- Option to print the report by location

Supporting the above options, the report also includes the standard filtering functions available in SIMS. While analysing this report, it is important to note the following:
The report prints the quantity in stock as at today and not the quantity balance as at the user entered date.
If a stock item had a balance of 10 with a purchase date of 15 June 2015 and another 100 units were purchased again on 15 February 2016, the total quantity of 110 will be shown under the column of 15 February 2016 and not split in two. The system considered the total quantity with last refreshed date.
The date selected by the user is the main reporting criteria of the report as the system will only include the stock items where the last purchase date is less or equal to the date entered by the user. This means that if a user enters the aged date as 31/12/2015, the system will only print the items which were purchased on or before 31/12/2015 and it will not include any items purchased after this date.
For those stock items which do not have a last purchase date, they will be shown under the last column of the report. The system will update the last purchase date with Purchases (local and foreign) and Receipt of Finished Goods but not with the adjustment add.
Last Purchase date and Last Receipt mean the same thing.
Question: Should the total of the Aged Report tally with the Valuation Report?
As detailed above, the aged report includes items where the last date is equal or less to the user entered date and prints the quantities as at today. This means that the user can never compare the valuation to a given date with an aged report. Entering the aged date report with a backdated value (31/12/2015) is not analysing the quantity as at that date but reporting only the stock items still in stock today but with the purchase date of less than or equal to 31/12/2015. The valuation to a given date works out the quantity as at the user given date which is completely different from the aged report.
For your own confirmation that both report totals do tally in the valuation, enter the aged report date with a future date to cover all the purchase date in the system and compare the result with the valuation to date and not to a given date.