How to change or delete stock codes in SIMS

Can I change or delete stock codes in SIMS?

SIMS provides the option to change or delete a stock code, as detailed below.  Both options can be accessed from Admin > Change/Delete Stock Cards.  

Change a stock code

When you access this function, click on the insert button to add the stock code that you want to change (for example, STK001), and press Tab on your keyboard to move to the Delete field. Do not tag this field.  

The system will ask you to enter a new Stock Code. This code must be a new code that does not exist in SIMS. You can enter as many records as required in this screen. Please note that, while entering the codes, the system is not processing the records but batching the entries for later processing. Please refer to the section process entries within this FAQ for further instructions.

Delete a stock code

To mark a stock code for deletion, enter the item code and press Tab move to the Delete field. Tag this field to mark the record for deletion.  

You can enter as many records as required in this screen. Please note that, while entering the codes the system is not deleting the records but batching the entries for later processing. Please refer to the section process entries within this FAQ for further instructions.


1.   From the Toolbar on this screen, you can click on the Clear Batch button to remove all records currently batched to be processed. This may be useful just in case you select a set of records by mistake or you want to start the process all over again.

2.   Another convenient option to identify which stock codes are not being in SIMS in an automated way is to click on the Process stock cards with no movements button. The system will go through all the items in SIMS and will automatically add the records with no movements. These are not automatically deleted but batched on screen for confirmation. The user can still remove items from the list on a one by one basis by using the delete button or key. This process make take some time depending on the number of stock cards on file.

Processing the records for change/delete

  When you require processing the records on screen to change the stock code or delete the entries from SIMS, you can click on the button to update stock cards on file. Only at this stage will the system change the current stock code to the new code where applicable or remove the products from SIMS. During this process, the system will still validate if a stock item can still be delete or changed in SIMS. If, for some reason, one of the item codes cannot be delete/changed, the system will display a message for your information. It is recommended that you run this function when no users are using the system.

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