Managing BCRS Purchase Charges in SIMS
All purchases in SIMS are only allowed to inventory products
and not to non-inventory items. With the
implementation of BCRS from Monday 14th November 2022, and if you
purchase products that fall within this new scheme, you will be charged by your
suppliers the equivalent purchase quantities of bottles and containers on the
purchase invoice.
SIMS Purchase Process
For you to manage and reconcile the purchase invoice amount,
we recommend the following:
- Create a New Stock Card which will be exclusively used for the purchases of BCRS products. It is recommended to use the Stock Code 'PURCHASEBCRS' – PURCHASES BCRS and
mark it as an inventory item.
- No VAT will be charged on BCRS purchase value; hence you may want to allocate a new
Stock Group (Support Menu > Stock Groups) for this item to better manage the
purchase process.

- You will make use of this item to enter into SIMS the purchase
quantities and values as detailed on your supplier’s invoice manually. This will only affect local purchases and not
import of products.
- As this PURCHASEBCRS is an inventory item, it will
accumulate quantities and values which will affect your stock valuation. It is therefore required that you
periodically process an Adjustment Deduct with the quantity in stock. We strongly suggest that you process this
adjustment at least every month to clear the valuation amount and offset
the sales of the BCRS charges to your clients were applicable.
For better reporting, we suggest that you create a new
Analysis Code (Support Menu > Analysis Codes) called 'BCRS' and use the analysis in the Adjustment Deduct process.

SIMS to SFM Full Interface Users
- The entries linked to the BCRS Purchases will be updated in
SFM to your Stock Control Account.
- The
entry of the Adjustment Deduct will remove the BCRS purchase value from your
Stock Control Account and post the debit in the Stock Adjustment Account which
normally is a Profit & Loss account.
- Should you want to remove the BCRS entry from your Stock
Adjustment account, you will require to post the normal journal from SFM to
credit the adjustment amount and debit your preferred nominal account code.
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